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Customers like the color, print quality, and functionality of the thermoplastic filament. They mention it's stunning, has a shiny finish, and prints nicely. Some say it works really well and is reliable. However, some dislike clogging. Opinions are mixed on the quality, adhesion, brittleness, and tangle resistance.
Product Description
· 1.【Silk Dichromatic Filament】ERYONE dual-color silk filament is made from two individual colors, extruded into one filament strand.You can change the visible color by rotating the color-blending filament to different orientations. · 2.【High Accuracy Silk Filament】The diameter of the blended dual color silk filament is 1.75mm with a tolerance of +/-0.03mm. Dichromatic PLA filament feed smoothly and constantly without clogging the nozzle or extruder making you a smoothly printing & better surface. · 3.【No Warping Multicolor Filament】Perfect winded silk blended color pla filament,tangle-free before unopened, no stringing and warping.Universal compatibility with most FDM 3D printers and 3D Pens. · 4.【Strong Layer Adhesion】This silk PLA filament has perfect first layer adhesion to reduce warpage, shrinkage, curl and print failure.1.75mm Dual color silk 3D printer PLA Filament is no bubble,strong layer adhesion make the printing parts stronger. · 5.【Silk Effect Filament】When printed with this 3D printing silk dual color filament, it creates a really unique look on your parts! Multicolor silk filaments can output with incredible pearlescent and gorgeous silk surface.
Jay V.Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2023
TLDR: Two Thumbs Up, a solid "5 Stars." Nice Tri-Color Silk PLA. Be choosy what you print -- the tri-color really pops with multifaceted vases and shapes. 215-220 deg C print temp seems like the starting point for adjustment. Resealable bag and cardboard spool with remaining filament length/weight gauges are nice touches. First, let me state I am no expert. I've been 3d printing as a hobby for a few months under 2 years, and I've used three different printers. The only printer used with this filament was a FLSUN Super Racer delta, with MicroSwiss extruder, dual 5015 cooling fans, bi-metal hot end, and PEI build plate. It was connected to a FLSUN Speeder Pad running Klipper (input shaping was turned off). E-Steps, Extrusion and PID tuning completed prior to testing; followed TeachingTech's calibration guide and the official Klipper website All models sliced with Prusa 2.6.0 alpha 5; models may have sliced differently in official release 2.5.1 Filament packaging consisted of a cardboard box with viewing window and resealable plastic bag. The 1KG roll of tri-color silk filament was neatly wound on a ~140g cardboard spool. My spool had a mild dent, but not enough to impact using filament rollers. The spool was embossed with the Eryone Logo, and a sticker provided gauges indicating approximate remaining filament length and weight gauge as well as filament recommended printing values: Nozzle Temp - 190-220 deg C Bed Temp - 55-70 deg C Printing Speed - 30-100mm/s Temp Tower: 220 deg C provided a nice print; as the temp went down, the filament started to fall apart and I stopped the print Tetrahex Ripple Vase by ChrisTheViolaNerd on Printables - Scaled down to 60% (160mm tall with a base of 120mm) - 0.9mm extrusion width at 0.15mm height in vase mode - 220 deg C - 65mm/s speed - Printing time = ~5hrs This print came out great and I think if I lowered the height to 0.12mm or 0.1mm, and reduced the extrusion width it may have looked even better. Franken Mug by Sterna on Thingiverse - Scaled up to 500% (175mm tall with a front to back length of 155mm) - 0.45mm extrusion width at 0.20mm height - 220 deg C - 135mm/s speed - Printing time = ~18hrs - Approx filament = 123 meters This was a long print and organic supports were used. Some of these supports broke during printing, so ignore any sagging filament as it's not the filaments faults. Although not part of this review, there are 4 more parts to print to complete this Franken Mug. You will notice banding for two different reasons, and sometimes at the same time. Neither are the filament's fault from what I see. 1) the filament may twist between the extruder and travel through the Bowden tube and present a different color when it gets to the nozzle, and 2) the hot end didn't maintain a constant temp which causes layers to look shinier or more dull. Printing slower may help with a "minimum layer time" cooling set. Articulated Spirit Dragon by AKinferno on Printables - 100% scale - 220 deg C printing temp - very nice first layer - failed to print twice First time I suspect a filament clog caused "air printing"; second time the infill was noticeably under-extruded and didn't stick to the previous layer; again maybe due to a clog. Keep in mind both files were sliced on the PrusaSlicer 2.6.0 alpha 5. Overall, I like this filament, and it prints nicely. I will update this review with better photos after additional testing. You would need to calibrate your printer and test this filament before starting on any long prints. Also, I would choose a different color next time--something brighter--as I already have a lot of purple, blue and black filament.
Shane RectorReviewed in the United States on September 6, 2024
I recently tried out this triple-color filament, and it’s been fantastic! The color transitions are smooth and vibrant, creating eye-catching prints that really stand out. The filament feeds effortlessly through my 3D printer, and I haven’t had any issues with clogging or inconsistent extrusion. Print Quality: The results are impressive—rich, multi-color effects that look amazing on every project. The filament holds up well and produces high-quality, detailed prints. Ease of Use: It’s easy to work with, and the consistent diameter means I don’t have to worry about print defects. The spool is well-wound and ready to use right out of the box. Overall: If you’re looking for a filament that delivers beautiful color transitions and reliable performance, this one is a great choice. It’s added a whole new level of creativity to my 3D printing projects. Highly recommended! Ps it's not as shiny as the picture. A bit more dark.
AntReviewed in the United States on November 2, 2024
These silks are easy to print with and have little to no stringing! The layer adhesion is top notch and the colors are vivid and bright. I have run dozens of different silk PLA and they tend to be fragile, not Eryone! These rolls run perfectly in the Bambu AMS and I WILL grab more colors.
JamesReviewed in the United States on November 18, 2024
Play Video I’m very happy with the outcome the colors and how smooth the print was. This brand of filament was very easy to use, print with l, and remove from the machine after using it. The quality of the silk like always is superb and amazing to look at with the color change going all around the item. I didn’t have a problem with the filament not sticking to the plate, everything stuck in place and printed perfectly. I would buy this product again in the near future.
Joseph smithReviewed in the United States on September 24, 2024
It is a small roll, and not a bad price I have not been disappointed in anything I have printed with it. BUUUTTT, the last wrap on the spool was tight and the filament was hung up and before I realized it the nozzle was clogged and I can't get it to clear and had to order a new one.... that's why only 4 stars.. reason learned thou...
ReymusReviewed in the United States on November 18, 2024
I picked up this filament specifically for this crow dice tower model, and it did not disappoint! The color is absolutely stunning, adhesion is great, and it’s printed out perfectly on both prints I’ve done with it. I will definitely be buying this one regularly!
Joexray78Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2024
I bought this for my Anycubic Kobra Max 2. Have made a few prints so far, and it looks great! Worked really well - I did adjust my printer settings for the silk filament, from my normal settings, but nothing to crazy. The print came out looking great! Its easy to use, and easy to store. Will buy again!
Amazon CustomerReviewed in the United States on July 29, 2024
Eryone has been my go to filament for a little while because it prints so beautifuly with very minimal stringing and has consistently had the best strength even the silk feels more sturdy than all others but as of lately it has been wound so tightly on the spool that my AMS has been having issues feeding it once it gets to either the very far right or left of the spools causing me to have to baby sit my prints or call my wife to assist me while I'm at work due to it causing the "ams feeder overloaded" error on my bambu labs P1S and X1C. Overall I would still recommend this filament to everyone but would warn that if you use the AMS for the P or X series that you may encounter the same issue I am having.
Muy bonito el productoReviewed in Mexico on March 16, 2024
Se ve muy bien las impresiones con el color
MalinReviewed in Sweden on November 13, 2024
Love the color and how easy it is to use for my hobby projects. Don't forget to print a testpiece first thought, so you know where it shifts color.
Tino h.Reviewed in Germany on November 5, 2024
Das Filament lässt sich problemlos bei einer Düsentemperatur von 225 Grad und einer Bett-Temperatur von 60 Grad drucken. Die Druckergebnisse sind einfach fantastisch! Der dreifarbige Verlauf sorgt für einen beeindruckenden visuellen Effekt, der meinen Projekten eine besondere Note verleiht. Die Wicklung der Spule ist sehr ordentlich, was das Handling während des Druckens erleichtert. Ich hatte keinerlei Probleme mit dem Filament – es fließt gleichmäßig und zuverlässig durch die Düse, ohne Verstopfungen oder andere Schwierigkeiten. Die Oberflächenqualität der gedruckten Teile ist hervorragend, und die seidenartige Textur des Filaments verleiht den Objekten einen eleganten Glanz. Die Farbintensität ist beeindruckend und macht jedes Projekt zu einem echten Hingucker. Insgesamt kann ich das ERYONE Silk PLA Filament jedem empfehlen, der auf der Suche nach einem hochwertigen und ästhetisch ansprechenden Filament für seine 3D-Druckprojekte ist. Es hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen, und ich freue mich darauf, es in zukünftigen Drucken wieder zu verwenden!
Marc DEMAINReviewed in Belgium on October 1, 2024
Bon filament
DarioReviewed in Italy on September 30, 2024
Il filamento ERYONE PLA bicolore doppio da 1,75 mm, nella versione seta nero-viola, rappresenta una scelta interessante per chi cerca un materiale di stampa 3D con una qualità eccellente e un effetto visivo accattivante. Questo filamento è particolarmente apprezzato per la sua versatilità e per la combinazione di estetica e performance, ideale per realizzare modelli 3D con un aspetto lussuoso e dettagliato. Caratteristiche principali: • Filamento bicolore doppio: Questo filamento offre una transizione fluida tra il nero e il viola, creando un effetto cangiante che cambia a seconda dell’angolazione della luce. È ideale per ottenere modelli con finiture artistiche e dettagli estetici notevoli. • Compatibilità: Il filamento PLA di ERYONE è compatibile con la maggior parte delle stampanti 3D FDM/FFF che supportano filamenti da 1,75 mm, rendendolo versatile e facile da usare. • Precisione di stampa: Con uno spessore di 1,75 mm e una tolleranza di ±0,03 mm, questo filamento garantisce un’ottima qualità di stampa, riducendo il rischio di intasamenti o errori dovuti a variazioni nel diametro. • Materiale PLA di alta qualità: Il PLA (Acido Polilattico) è un materiale ecologico e biodegradabile derivato dal mais, che rende questo filamento una scelta più sostenibile rispetto ad altri materiali plastici. • Effetto seta: Il filamento presenta una finitura lucida e setosa, che dona ai modelli stampati un aspetto più rifinito e elegante. • Bobina da 1 kg: Con una bobina da 1 kg, offre una buona durata e una quantità sufficiente per numerosi progetti di stampa. Pro: • Estetica bicolore: La combinazione di nero e viola crea modelli con un effetto visivo unico, che risulta particolarmente interessante per oggetti decorativi, action figures o accessori personalizzati. • Alta qualità e precisione: Il filamento offre una stampa precisa con ottimi dettagli, ed è facile da gestire anche per chi è alle prime armi con la stampa 3D. • Ecologico e biodegradabile: Essendo realizzato in PLA, è un materiale più sostenibile e meno dannoso per l’ambiente rispetto ad altri filamenti in plastica. • Finitura lucida e setosa: La qualità estetica è superiore rispetto ai filamenti PLA standard, con una superficie più liscia e riflettente che dona ai progetti un aspetto premium. Contro: • Sensibilità alla temperatura: Come molti filamenti PLA, può essere sensibile alle alte temperature, quindi è necessario evitare esposizioni dirette alla luce solare o a fonti di calore intense, poiché potrebbe deformarsi. • Durabilità: Il PLA, pur essendo resistente, non è altrettanto robusto o durevole come altri materiali come l’ABS o il PETG, quindi non è adatto per applicazioni che richiedono resistenza meccanica o chimica elevata. Conclusioni: Il ERYONE Filamento PLA bicolore doppio da 1,75 mm, con la sua combinazione di nero e viola e l’effetto seta, rappresenta un prodotto ideale per chi desidera creare modelli 3D con una finitura elegante e particolare. La qualità di stampa è ottima, con una precisione elevata e una bobina che offre un buon valore per il prezzo. Se il vostro obiettivo è ottenere stampe esteticamente raffinate e artistiche, questo filamento è sicuramente una scelta valida. Tuttavia, se cercate maggiore resistenza per applicazioni più pratiche o strutturali, potreste voler considerare altri tipi di filamento.