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Customers find the tuner easy to use and performs well. They appreciate its accurate readings and build quality. The tuner provides perfect pitch and is reliable.
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STGReviewed in the United States on September 14, 2020
I am not at all musically inclined, but I sent this as a gift to a guitar virtuoso relative who was kind enough to provide his initial impressions. His comments follow; From the packaging it’s immediately evident that the Kliq Ubertuner All Instrument Clip-on Tuner is a superior version of the ubiquitous clip-on tuners you see on so many instruments at so many gigs. This is a very refined technical version of the concept of a Piezo sensor-based tuning technology. In essence, the tuner does not “hear” the note it is asked to legitimize, it “feels” it through the vibration generated by the string and transmitted through the guitar body up through the neck. The KLIQ specifies its Tuning Precision as +/- 1%. In practical terms, you achieve a perfectly-tuned guitar by following the simple directions, keeping in mind that the nuance of bringing a string “up to” pitch from a flat rather than “down” from a sharp is a rule that predates any kind of tuning technology. The KLIQ sets up in two or three minutes.The battery compartment snaps open, the included 2032 "button" battery is inserted PLUS side up, and battery drawer is snapped back into the body. An easy-to-find Power On/Off button wakes up the sensor, and away you go. As a guitar player, I set the Tuning Mode to “G” (Guitar) and I hit the low E (6th) string. It’s sharp as the red bars tell me. I tune down past where the E should be, and slowly twist the tuning knob (the one that tightens the string) until the yellow indicator lights go to the top of the readout, and the center circle turns solid green. The readout in the center of the screen confirms that I am working on the E6 string. I follow the procedure for the remaining five strings, being sure to tune “up" each time. When I overdo it, and the red sharp indicators flash on, I make sure to turn back down past the note I’m trying to nail, and then slowly creep up to it. If you ever get the sense that the tuner isn’t “working,” it may be because you tune down to a note, which always leaves a little bit of slack in the string, which then causes it to drift out of tune pretty quickly. You may also have some looseness in your tuning pegs, or slop in the way the string is wound around the peg. Bridge pins have to be solidly in place, too. If your E6 string registers perfect pitch, and you're out of tune as you play notes going up the neck, you may have set-up issues like overly high action which requires too much stretch when you play a note, which of course, changes (sharps) the pitch. If everything else on the instrument (I can only talk about guitars) is where it should be, the KLIQ Ubertuner can be relied on to do its job precisely. It is user-friendly. You can swivel it to keep the screen in virtually any position you prefer. You can tune, shut off the power to save the battery, and start the KLIQ up again with the touch of a button. Other features include a choice of tuning modes… Chromatic, Guitar, Bass, Violin, and Ukulele. There are calibration possibilities, and transposition settings. The unit weighs 1.4 Ounces, so there’s no risk of neck strain if you leave the tuner clipped to the headstock. It is a professional, all-black little gem that I affix to vintage guitars with no fear of damage. All in all, this is the pick of the litter, and a slick way to improve your sound and get things back to where they should be quickly and smoothly after a lot of string bending or vigorous playing. A lot of students give up because their playing never gets beyond that beginners’ sound. In my experience, it’s a tuning issue 9 out of 10 times. The KLIQ may mean the difference between giving up, and going on to play Carnegie Hall.
Zen LighteningReviewed in the United States on April 26, 2015
I have played guitar for more than 5 decades and spent many of those years playing professionally, and do so currently. I've owned just about every tuner known to man or woman - this little gizmo is my favorite. I will leave the tech details to others, who have done a fine job of laying those down in other reviews. All I care about is - it works. It not only works, it works great. I just bought this thing and after trying it out on both electric and acoustic guitars and on my resonator guitar, I just ordered another one. I could never get a tuning that completely satisfied my ears with a Snark or a Planet Waves clip on tuner, they come close enough to work on the fly, close enough for normal ears, and are convenient. I use them around the house when I don't want to plug in my tuner pedal, which tunes extremely accurately, I also use them on gigs where I don't want an extra cord lying around and for acoustic jams as well. But finally, here is a clip on tuner that tunes right. It even gets low D right on a drop D tuning on an electric guitar strung with Super Slinkys, something the other clip ons have problems with. The only downside is actually an upside for me - it is huge in comparison to a Snark and especially in comparison to the little Planet Waves tuner, which is the best of this breed for being invisible to the audience on stage. So, I might unclip the KLIQ on stage after tuning or not, probably not. The reason that hugeness is also a plus is, the thing can be seen! Even my aging eyes have no problems reading this, the light and display are very bright, the display is big enough to be seen from space. And did I mention it really tunes? I swear I have never heard my resonator sound so in tune before, and to a musician, that is huge - more than that, it's a joy. Just be aware that this is bigger than a Snark, like amusingly bigger. Also built way better. Great clip on tuner, made this old guitar picker smile big time.
MichaelReviewed in the United States on March 3, 2017
This is a great tuner, and has many features that I like but a couple things give the Snark ST-8 Super Tight a significant edge. I was completely happy with the accuracy, response, and beautiful display. I hope this feedback is received by the manufacturer as constructive feedback rather than criticism. Here are the things that I did not like: 1. The power button location is ergonomically awkward whether using my left hand thumb or pointing finger. The ST-8 has a button in the front perfectly position for the thumb and fingers to counter the pressure of turning it on. 2. In order to power the unit on the power button must be held for at least one second, then it takes about another second to "boot up". The ST-8 is instantaneous on. 3. In order to power off the power button must again be help for about a second, and it takes about a second to "shut down". The ST-8 is an instantaneous response. 4. The display behaves more like a capacity gauge in that when in tune the indication is "half full", and as the tuning goes sharp the "capacity" indication increases. Personally I would prefer to see this indication grow from the center left or right as the pitch gets more out of tune. 5. The display is beautiful, but I wonder what kind of a toll is taken on the battery by displaying so much on the screen (especially the "capacity" style gauge), but I have no reason to believe that the battery does not last long.
SpamKillerReviewed in the United States on January 30, 2025
Perfect for my 12-string. Makes tuning quick and easy, especially when your fellow musicians are waiting or you to tune-up ;). Press-and-hold turn-on/off feature is really helpful for avoiding accidental turn-ons. Not that this matters -- the battery is a common size and not expensive. The display is really bright and easy to see when clipped to the head of the guitar. Clips on firmly, and the jaws are cushioned so your precious "baby" won't get scratched or scuffed! (Guitar players know that stuff matters)! Very happy with the operation and performance of this product.
Randy WebsterReviewed in Canada on January 20, 2025
Nice and compact and easy to use
Sergio Rodriguez BrambilaReviewed in Mexico on December 24, 2021
El producto se cargó el tiempo que indica el instructivo y nunca encendió
Pablo NavarroReviewed in Mexico on October 30, 2021
El afinador es bastante poderoso - su flexibilidad está muy por encima de otros afinadores. El 1% de precisión es perfecto para usar en casa, también por la rapidez en la que muestra las notas. Cromático, Guitarra, Bajo, Violín y Ukulele. Sí, tarda dos segundo en encender, y aún así, no es un punto negativo. Flexibilidad también pues se puede ajustar entre 430hz y 450hz. Observen cuidadosamente la instalación de la batería. El manual únicamente está impreso en inglés, está muy completo.
Ozan Can SahinReviewed in the Netherlands on February 3, 2025
Sometimes I get a half higher pitch for some certain notes, and yes it’s not just my way of playing…
AnnalisaReviewed in Italy on October 1, 2023
Acquistato per mio figlio che si allena con la tromba. Però diciamo che sarà per uso per tutta la famiglia, perché si adatta a tanti strumenti musicali. E' quella la cosa bella, è piccolo, leggero e si aggancia allo strumento. Dicitura anglo sassone delle note, però direi pare accurato e funzionare bene e fare il suo uso.