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Customers like the thermoplastic filament's color. They find it a good shade of yellow for their prints, and the matte black looks amazing. They also like its functionality and texture. However, some customers disagree on print quality, adhesion, filament quality, quality, and value for money.
Product Description
· 【High-Grade Matte PLA】 Introducing our newly launched Matte PLA filament. Designed to print with a gloss-free finish, achieving a frosted texture that conceals layer lines. Perfect for creations that demand a refined and flawless appearance · 【Easy to Print & Advanced Properties】 Experience improved overhang performance and greater design intricacy with Matte PLA. Rafts, brims, and tree supports break away easily leaving matte finish. Elevate your 3D printing experience with the perfect combination of ease and advanced properties · 【Dimensional Accuracy & Consistency】Advanced CCD diameter measuring and self-adaptive control system in the manufacturing guarantee these Matte PLA filaments to be strict tolerances. Diameter 1.75mm, dimensional accuracy (98%) + / - 0.02 mm without any exaggeration · 【Wide Compatibility and Color Selection】 Overture filaments seamlessly integrates with most consumer and industrial 3D printers. Explore your creative side with our extensive selection of vibrant colors, ensuring a spectrum of possibilities for your unique creations · 【Risk Free & Lifetime Guarantee】No matter what difficulties you encounter during printing, Overture will be right by your side to assist you, with professional knowledge to help you achieve perfect printing, Overture, are your reliable 3d filaments&accessories supplier
Robbie heckmannReviewed in the United States on January 24, 2021
Just WOW!. I'll update with photos of my prints later on. I've been searching for matte filaments and there seems to be limited options. Not only have i think i found it, i dear say i found my goldilocks filament. Ordering 3 more rolls next week as I've been printing 24hrs a day since i got it a few days ago. Excited to try other colors. Roll was nicely wound and print quality is astounding, printing is very easily and was dialed very quickly. and i have zero complaints so far. Layer lines are pretty much invisible even at .2 layer heights. .13 is jaw dropping. Been printing an order for a local hobby shop and they at first didn't believe it was 3d printed as it looked multitudes better than previous filament I've used on their order. I've been printing on my mostly stock ender 3 v2. Only modifications are z-brace rods, bltouch, dual z and printed z motor mounts. Printing here the update NY winter is usually challenging as where i print in my home can be as low as 10c ( will be finishing my enclosure soon). Saying that my only struggle has been minor corner warping and bed adhesion. but i doubt that would be an issue in warmer rooms. The issue has been resolved though as i really squish my first layer (leaves very fine elephant foot that cleans quite easily with a sharp hobby knife or 220grit sand paper) since i print 7-20 parts at a time. Can't afford failures. I am printing on the stock textured side of the ender 3 glass bed. For those with an ender 3 i do Hot end at 195-200c, 60c bed temp at 40mm sec (as i prefer quality over speed ) retract 6.5mm 50mmsec, default cura coasting settings and filament equalizer enabled. 75%-100% fan after initial 2 layers. I'd also like to add that my printed upgrades are done in hatchbox abs for strength and temperature resistance. But now any parts that aren't at risk of high temperature exposure I'm using this matte black pla because it looks that amazing and is suitably strong. If I run into any issues I'll update accordingly. Update 7 Days Later So i ordered this filament for an order for a hobby shop. Printing drag racing slot car stands. I printed 96 of these in 4 different filaments. After the first 28 this filament arrived and after the first test prints i was amazed and now only use this filament. I went through the whole 1kg roll in 6 days. Ordered another and already been printing into the 2nd roll. I've updated my nozzle temp to 210c and I'm using a .8 brass nozzle. A worth while mention is these stands i print they're only 3 bottom 2 top, 1 perimeter and 0% infill. And they're almost perfect, very light and just as strong as previous prints with .4 using 3b 4t and 2 perimeter. The watering can is from thingiverse and printed at 60mmsec, 3 bottom and in vase mode. Also worth noting i check filament diameter periodically as i go through the roll and so far it's been between 1.72-1.77mm. Overall still my new favorite go to pla. I definitely prefer a matte finish and this filament definitely delivers.
O. EsquivelReviewed in the United States on November 29, 2024
Really liked the color, the consistency and overall finish. Overture is one of my preferred brands for 3D printing and it didn't disappoint. Really easy to print with practically default printing settings. Tried these Grogu figures with both Overture PLA filaments, one for green and the other is rock color changing. Loved the result. Totally recommend the brand. No tangles, no stringing. Great filament.
Zach. OReviewed in the United States on November 25, 2024
This filament is my go to for my printer. Printed flawlessly every-time. Color is true to the description. Can’t beat the price for 1kg of filament. Not nearly as brittle as some of the others I have tried so kinking the filament on insertion is not an issue. Size is true to the description and flows out of the nozzle at the recommend temp as it should. Will be buying again.
David SalernoReviewed in the United States on December 9, 2024
I got a bad batch that the company promptly replaced. Updating review accordingly Original review: Does not adhere well to build plate. Prints really poorly.
CottonCandyReviewed in the United States on December 13, 2024
Nice print, slow color transition, really bold texture
Amazon CustomerReviewed in the United States on November 12, 2024
This is the best Matte PLA I’ve used, it might be slightly weaker than regular PLA but either way it prints well and looks very good
D. HillReviewed in the United States on October 28, 2024
Cannot get this to stick or lay flat. The texture of the filament seems weird. It seems kinda like soft foam? I've tried leveling the bed and adjusting it that way to maybe flatten it more or less. I've tried glue. I've tried rebuilding hot end. I've tried different nozzles. I've tried multiple combinations of nozzle and bed temps. I'm literally just wasting the entire roll trying to get it to work and it's just frustrating. At this point I'd save money by throwing the rest of the roll in the trash. If it didn't stick it might be fine or if it just didn't lay flat but stuck good I could make it work but it doesn't stick and it's taffy like texture creates issues where the nozzle will catch and not reflatten it like you see with other filament. ----------- UPDATE -------------- I was able to print with it by using a raft and starting with PLA that is reliable for a couple layers and then pausing the print and swapping to this filament. The taffy likeness was then able to kinda melt down into the grid of the mid raft and not stick up and get caught on the nozzle. Still not a fan but at least maybe I won't throw away but a little scared to beat my head against the wall in the future as I might have just been lucky with this single print and trick.
MumSabrinaReviewed in the United States on January 16, 2023
I got this specifically for the flecked stone/marble effect shown in the photos, as I wanted to print some busts/statues. I use a Flashforge Adventure 3. First, I had to print a spool extender, because my printer uses a specific size/type of spool. Once the extender was on, this rolled out and fed in smoothly. My printer bed has its own way of making this pla adhere, so I can't comment on how this would adhere to a flat bed. But I've had a normal glue stick work fine for me in the past on my Creality cr10. I use my machine's stock settings. This rolls through smoothly with no tangles. It adheres to the bed and itself just fine. I've printed out a bust, a statue that had failed supports, and am redoing the statue with proper supports. This has worked out to be very smooth and clean printing so far. The 'stone' style gives it a bit of a rougher feel than some other filament that I've used, but that's fine for me, because that's what I wanted. Overall, a great filament for statues, busts, stones, stone walls for tabletop gaming. Normal price range for this type and amount of filament. Will buy again. I have a lot of stuff to print now that I have a good printer.
Hatem AlShahwanReviewed in Saudi Arabia on September 20, 2024
Great prints, used it on bambulab P1S with AMS, works well in AMS in its original cardboard spool, no clogging
AT KhanReviewed in the United Arab Emirates on July 18, 2021
Manufacturer included some Easter eggs inside - an attachable print surface, and little measuring/removing tool for prints. PLA looks nicely manufactured. Quality goods!
khReviewed in Japan on October 18, 2023
セール時にホワイト・シルクを購入しました。 一見してわかるほど艶があるわけではないです。角度によっては安いホワイトABSに見えます。 その代わり、かどうかは分かりませんが、シルクのフィラメントにしては安定性がよく、薄くてもボロボロにはなりません。 普通のホワイトPLAと比べたら明らかにシルク感はあるので、ホワイトと組み合わせてアクセントをつけた造形はどうだろうかとアイデアを練っています。
さんこんReviewed in Japan on August 28, 2021
Ender3proで問題なく使えています。 少し硬いのでたまに押出し機のところで折れてたりします。本当にたまにです。 ブリントで1mm程度の細い部分が多いと失敗が多発するので、モデリング際は注意が必要です。 また購入したいです。
JPSReviewed in the United Kingdom on November 29, 2024
I had high hopes for this Matte PLA, however the result is mixed.. For a relatively large base plate area, this PLA seems to have a hard time stick to the hot bed. The most interesting bit is I am using the official Overture Matte PLA setting given by Bambu Lab.... Apart from hot bed issues, it also very easy to snap... I printed so many PLA and Mattee PLA and this filament feels so easy to break... Otherwise the colour is good, seems to be well-packaged item. Comparing to other brands, this filament is relatively expensive and I was expecting it to be better, I am quite disappointed with all these issues.